—— Results matter
Tip of the
There’s often more to a problem than what we can see, which causes barriers to choosing the best solution.
When we solve our problems through trial and error, we lose time, money, and trust.
—— Achievement Results
—— What’s underneath matters
Not Achieving Goals Comes With a Cost
Inner Matter is ready to gather all of the information and help you solve the following problems:
Nothing Seems to Work
When we try multiple solutions without promising results, we begin to lose momentum and start to feel hopeless. This type of friction in our lives or relationships causes us not to get the results we want. With our experience drilling down to the deficit, we will discover what’s underneath so you can find solutions that work.
Struggling to get to the Bottom
When our problems stack on one another, we immediately tend to respond to the most recent or the most pressing one. We often know there’s more to the problem, however, we don’t have the skills or the time to identify what it is. If we can get to the root of the problem, we can take care of the majority of the issues on top. Let us help you discover what’s behind an issue so your solutions get results.
Low or Stagnant Results
If you or your team has tried many solutions and you’re not getting results then it’s time to look at the situation differently. Allow us to review the data or your situation with an objective perspective. We will help you discover and address problems you haven’t been able to.
Exhausted all Resources
If you’ve tried everything you or your team are capable of and nothing seems to get you the results you need, our expert guidance is here to help you to discover anything missing, identify the gap between where you are and where you want to go, and help you develop the skills you need to overcome the barriers.
It’s Always Been This Way
When we accept problems as they are, we are inviting them to continue and closing the door to the possibility of finding effective solutions. Every problem has a range of solutions. We are trained to positively challenge the status quo in a way that reaps results. Let us help you or your team develop the skills you need to overcome barriers.
Nothing Changes
We develop an underlying belief that nothing changes when we’re not seeing the results we would like. Change is difficult among adults and often not long-lasting unless people have created the momentum they need to make a change and developed the skills they need to overcome barriers. Let us ignite momentum and give you or your team the skills you need so change becomes permanent.
—— Caren Heltne, Educator
“It was so fantastic to have you at our meeting this morning!!! Your presentation was fantastic and I hope we can continue to work together.”
—— Results matter
Unlock the Potential
We already have what it takes to create momentum, achieve our goals, and maintain lasting results. Sometimes we just need a little help from experts. Inner Matter is prepared to guide you through any of these service models.
We’ve all heard the analogy “that’s just the tip of the iceberg”, particularly when discussing problems. This is true. Most of the time we are only seeing what’s above the waterline as in an actual iceberg. What many people don’t realize is that what we are seeing on top equates to only 10% of the problem; it’s the 90% below the waterline that needs the most attention. When we ignore or don’t know how to address what’s below the surface, we are not going to achieve the results we are seeking. Would you ever drive a boat as close to the edge of an iceberg and not anticipate further problems? No, most of us wouldn’t.
With most of our problems, we want to fix what’s above the waterline and not below. We think, “If I could lose ten more pounds my negative self-image would disappear.” It’s disappointing when we discover losing ten additional pounds and we’re still hearing that same negative chatter in our minds. In schools, we offer incentive programs for teachers to meet specific achievement goals, tokens for students to behave better, or small business owners offering bonuses for higher employee output.
These types of motivation systems are energizing at first, however, in the long run, they set us up for failure as the novelty wears thin and we are not addressing what’s below the surface. While we might meet goals, we’re still fighting the same problems. We find we spend money, allocate resources, and dedicate time, yet the same problem continues to exist.
Below the surface is where our subconscious is busy at work and this is where the biggest barriers to meeting achievement goals lie. We all come into a situation, relationship, or organization with our own set of beliefs, values, attitudes, and sense of meaning. When any of these are challenged, we are likely to experience some type of friction. As adults, many of us are not aware of our top values, the most influential beliefs we operate from, the impact of our attitude, and the story we are telling ourselves in any given situation. Test one of these out now: can you tell me your top 5 values without having to think about them?
Getting to what’s below the surface takes skill and not just anyone should do it.
In fact, when approached incorrectly, people will feel as though we are prying into their lives or not respecting personal boundaries, causing their defenses to rise and leaving little room for vulnerability. This comes at a big cost to any person, team, or organization, for vulnerability is at the heart of deeper connections, innovation, and creativity. In order for the vulnerability to occur, first, we must establish a sense of safety, trust, and connection.
The most effective solutions addressing Social Emotional Learning and Well-Being will address what’s above and below the surface level. When we thoroughly assess the situation, we are able to dedicate our time, money, and other resources in ways that are proactive and effective, vastly improving the likelihood of reaching our goals.
From now to next: Inner Matter will assess where you are, and where you need to go, and advise you or your team on the most effective way to get there.
From ‘to do’ to ‘done’: Inner Matter will discover where you are, where you need to go, and work alongside you or your team so you can leave with tasks completed.
Professional Growth
From complacent to curious: Inner Matter’s interactive teaching experience makes learning exciting bringing continuous growth and progress.
Deep Dive Intensive
From uncertain to empowered: in this comprehensive model, Inner Matter will work with you or your team for an entire year serving our four core components.
—— Woohoo
Money Back Guarantee
If Inner Matter doesn’t perform what we say we’re gonna do, we will refund your money.
Say what?!? Yes, we are confident we will deliver our promise to you and then some. We’re not showing up to waste anyone’s time and we mean ‘fun’ business!
Our contracts are designed so that anytime you or your organization is not getting what you signed up for, we will refund your money. This is a win-win, baby!