—— Self-fulfillment matters
Stuck on a
Hamster Wheel
It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks taking us away from our priorities.
Before we know it, we begin reacting and quit responding. We can even start to wonder if we’re inadequate.
—— Workload Fatigue
—— Your well-being matters
Overwhelm Comes With a Cost
Inner Matter is ready to help you solve the following problems:
Problems Keep Stacking
When we’re not able to get problems solved from the day before and we encounter a new set of problems every day, the problems will continue to stack until some are pushed aside or we dedicate extra time to catch up. Our approach will help you prioritize which problems need to be addressed and how to solve them so you can stay ahead rather than always trying to catch up.
As a society, we pride ourselves on a busy life. Before we know it, our calendars begin to manage us rather than us managing our calendars. Most of the time, we realize we are burnt out when we become really ill, our relationships fail, or we just can’t give anything more. Don’t wait until you have a mental or emotional breakdown; let us train you on how to prevent burnout so it never becomes a problem.
Always Behind
Do you have days where you feel like you work really hard but don’t get anything done? When we are always behind, we feel inadequate and exhausted. This causes us to lose the motivation, focus, and energy we need in order to catch up. Before we know it, we have so many tasks, we don’t know where to begin. Let us help you develop the skills you need in order to conquer your days and feel like a champion!
Increase of Errors
When we have too much on our lists and we are working on multiple tasks at a time, our efficiency decreases while the opportunities for errors increase. Careless errors can cost an organization thousands of dollars, days to correct, and time that can’t be recovered. We will train you on how to prioritize your focus in order to complete tasks from start to finish.
Stretched too Thin
We often take on more work than we have time or energy for in a day. When we take on too many tasks at the same time, we can’t give enough time and attention to any of them. We race from task to task without being fully present and feeling exhausted. Let us help you define what you should be focusing on and which items you can let go, automate, or delegate.
Loss of Efficiency
As humans, we are likely to take on too many tasks and then have to hurry through them in order to check off completion. When we rush through anything, we miss out on the opportunity to enjoy an experience and we are more likely to make errors, causing a loss of efficiency. Let us lead you on how to go slow and be present in order to go fast.
—— Sarah, Coaching Client
“When I met Shylla from Inner Matter, I didn’t think I had a vision for my life. I’m so thankful I stepped out of my comfort zone. Her work is like nothing I’ve ever tried and I absolutely love it. She is such an amazing, genuine being. I now know what peace feels like, and it’s obtainable. Shylla is a gift and has forever changed my life for the better. I highly, wholeheartedly, recommend working with Shylla. She’s great!”
—— Results matter
Unlock the Potential
We already have what it takes to create momentum, achieve our goals, and maintain lasting results. Sometimes we just need a little help from experts. Inner Matter is prepared to guide you through these service models.
When we become stuck on the hamster wheel, we are essentially running at high speed, burning lots of energy, and getting nowhere fast. We work harder and gain little if any, ground. It’s when that little voice in your head keeps asking, “How long can you keep going like this?” Or we reflect back on our day and wonder where it all went and what we actually accomplished as our to-do list still looks the same. I’ve been there and most likely so have you.
Today’s world comes with a host of distractions from email notifications, cell phone pings, social media alerts, and the list goes on. As a culture, we pride ourselves on our ability to multi-task and it comes at the cost of productivity. In fact, “multitasking” reduces our productivity by as much as 40%. In addition, it can drop our IQ by as much as 15 points. Is this really something we want to pride ourselves on? Count me out.
The reality is, we don’t multitask, we shift our focus. Unless we are talking about autonomic habits like blinking, breathing, and a heartbeat, we are not made to multitask. In fact, every time we shift our focus due to a distraction, it takes anywhere from 12-25 minutes to get back on task. That means a total of 10 distractions can cost us up to 250 minutes within a workday. Good use of time? I think not.
Busy means we are paying too much attention to the urgent and far too little attention to what really matters. Trying to manage too many tasks within a day simultaneously inevitably causes our stress levels to heighten. Our stress levels range from low, to moderate, to toxic levels. Operating at a moderate to toxic level for prolonged periods of time can actually cause the brain to decrease its ability to pay attention, perception, short-term memory, learning, and our ability to find our words. Furthermore, when we find ourselves in this state, we typically experience emotional distress, have poor nutrition, and we get inadequate sleep.
Getting off the hamster wheel can be scary. It means we have to face our fears, own the patterns that got us on the wheel at racing speeds, and slow down. The thought of slowing down can cause us to panic and wonder if everything will fall apart if we can’t keep going at the unreasonable pace we’ve been going.
We’re here to tell you, it’s time to go slow so you can go fast. When you slow down, you’ll be able to remember things better, giving you back time lost under your old habits. When we slow down and learn to be fully present, we actually improve our accuracy rate by as much as 50%. Say what?!?
Yes, we won’t have to go back and do tasks many times; we can actually complete most of them from start to finish. There’s that extra time you’ve been needing!
Most often, when we are rushing throughout our days, we are not being conscious of our habits, using the highest level of problem-solving our brains are prepared for, and really thinking through the tasks we are completing. Analyzing our tasks, removing anything unnecessary, and prioritizing our to-do list is also a great way to find more time within a day. Blocking out time with limited to no distractions is necessary for feeling a sense of daily accomplishment.
While running on the hamster wheel may seem necessary for a brief moment, it really shows we are in survival and do not have the situation under control. Running on the hamster wheel too long has a negative impact on our overall well-being leading us to burnout. When we are burnt out, we are good for no one, including ourselves and our most precious loved ones.
From now to next: Inner Matter will assess where you are, and where you need to go, and advise you or your team on the most effective way to get there.
From ‘to do’ to ‘done’: Inner Matter will discover where you are, where you need to go, and work alongside you or your team so you can leave with tasks completed.
Professional Growth
From complacent to curious: Inner Matter’s interactive teaching experience makes learning exciting bringing continuous growth and progress.
Deep Dive Intensive
From uncertain to empowered: in this comprehensive model, Inner Matter will work with you or your team for an entire year serving our four core components.
—— Woohoo
Money Back Guarantee
If Inner Matter doesn’t perform what we say we’re gonna do, we will refund your money.
Say what?!? Yes, we are confident we will deliver our promise to you and then some. We’re not showing up to waste anyone’s time and we mean ‘fun’ business!
Our contracts are designed so that anytime you or your organization is not getting what you signed up for, we will refund your money. This is a win-win, baby!